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Coronavirus Infection in Toronto Frequently Asked QuestionsThe Coronavirus, or COVID-19 is a contagious viral infection that has many people worried. This worldwide virus has the potential to have a huge impact on almost any industry in our current global economy. Here atⓇ, we have been flooded with questions and requests for information on how our technology could help contain this and other pathogens. We have put together few FAQ in order to help.
Have the equipment we use have been tested to be effective against viruses and bacteria? Yes, the ability of OdoroxⓇ machines to kill viruses, bacteria, and mold was scientifically proven back in December 2014, when the OdoroxⓇ MDU/Rx machine was tested and approved by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device for use in occupied areas. What data do you have to prove this? These machines were tested at the Aerosol Research and Engineering Laboratories (ARE), an independent commercial laboratory that specializes in studying aerosolized microbiological organisms. These tests were performed on viruses, bacteria, and mold chosen by the FDA as some of the toughest. These viruses and bacteria were aerosolized in the test, mimicking the way they are often transmitted through actions like people coughing. They did this to obtain FDA approval for the OdoroxⓇ MDU/Rx machine. All of the tests had kill rates of between 4 and 5 log reductions (99.99% and 99.999%) within 2 hours: an exceptionally high (and fast) kill rate. If you want more data, we have detailed information documented by the Head of our Scientific Advisory Board on the independent microbiological laboratory testing that was performed. Have these equipment been tested to be effective against the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, specifically? No - this test in not perform at this time. Only the top national labs like the CDC and NIH can get samples of the Coronavirus so soon after an outbreak like this. Commercial labs are not equipped with the biosafety measures and containment protocols needed to test these types of viruses. However, one of the viruses included in the ARE laboratory testing was the MS2 virus, which is an excellent surrogate for the Coronavirus as both are positive-sense single-stranded RNA, or (+)ssRNA viruses. Based on this, we believe that the OdoroxⓇ MDU/Rx machine will be effective against the Coronavirus. Which OdoroxⓇ machine is the best for killing viruses and bacteria? The OdoroxⓇ MDU/Rx machine was the one tested and approved by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device for use in occupied areas. We have two other OdoroxⓇ machines that are built exactly the same as that unit but they are more powerful - they are the Oasis+ and the Boss machines. Any of those OdoroxⓇ machines, or the stronger XL3 machine, would be great assets to add to an infection control protocol that would also include things like spraying chemicals, wiping surfaces, and other effective disinfection methods. How do the OdoroxⓇ machines work? It’s incredibly easy: you just plug them in and turn them on. Our machines replicate the natural production of hydroxyl radicals to eliminate biological and chemical contaminants. These hydroxyls work on both the air and on surfaces while the spaces are occupied and in use. They can run 24/7, require very little labor, and leave little room for human error. Where can these machines be used? Our OdoroxⓇ Technology is ideal for any type of commercial building that has been or could be exposed to the Coronavirus, such as: apartment buildings, condominiums, hotels, big box retailers, universities and schools, manufacturing and industrial warehouse facilities, hospitals, churches, theaters, airports, office buildings, government establishments, and many other high traffic public facilities. They are safe to use while the building is occupied and in use. Where can I get the OdoroxⓇ machines? For rental information, please contact us directly and we will assist you. 24/7 Support to Keep You Safe and Healthy Finally, it’s important to know that all of this accurate, scientific testing was done before the Coronavirus appeared - the power and abilities that our machines offer have been proven. In response to this global health crisis, and any that may come in the future, we are available 24/7 to answer your questions and provide help for you and your clients’ critical needs. Call Now @ 416-358-6666 to Contact Toronto 's #1 Water Damage Restoration and Mold Removal Specialists. This is one of the many reasons why our technicians will respond within 45 minutes of your call to provide immediate mold removal service in Baltimore assistance and save your home. Additionally, our specialists are available 24/7/365 we will be there for you at all hours and times when you need us the most. Contact Us Before You Call Your Insurance Company - We Can Help Avoid Policy Increases. Insurance Claims From Start To Finish - Avoid A Zero Gain Insurance Claim. Tags, Infection Control · 24 Hours Emergency Restoration Service ·Water & Mold Damage Remediation